"Criando" rostos que não existem

Nenhuma das pessoas na foto abaixo existe de verdade. Todos os rostos foram criados usando  Inteligência Artificial.

E você? Quer ver alguns novos rostos "inventados"? Basta acessar:

A cada vez que você refresca a página, um novo rosto surge.

Este site foi feito por Phillip Wang, engenheiro de software do Uber.

E a ferramenta foi criada usando o StyleGAN, da Nvidia's StyleGAN:

Veja também estes 8 vídeos mostrando o funcionamento do sistema:

Matéria a respeito: 

= = =

Palavras do autor:

Thanks for all the upvotes! Since I made this site, people have already started to train on datasets beyond just real faces. Turns out it can disentangle pretty much any set of data.

Gwern has applied this to anime dataset https://twitter.com/gwern/status/1095131651246575616

Cyril at Google has applied it to artwork https://twitter.com/kikko_fr/status/1094685986691399681

This was to raise awareness for what a talented group of researchers made at Nvidia over the course of 2 years, the latest state of the art for GANs. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.04948.pdf (https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan)

Rani Horev wrote up a nice description of the architecture here. https://www.lyrn.ai/2018/12/26/a-style-based-generator-archi...

Feel free to experiment with the generations yourself at a colab I made https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1IC0g2oDQenrDmwbtkKo...

I'm currently working on a project to map BERT embeddings of text descriptions of the faces directly to the latent space embedding (which is just a 512 dimensional vector). The goal is to control the image generation with sentences, once the mapping network is trained. Will definitely post on hacker news again if that succeeds. The future is now!

= = =

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