Papo descontraído entre Wakeman e Emerson (2010)

Uma conversa relaxada, divertida, espirituosa, sacana e deliciosa entre os dois maiores tecladistas do Progressivo: Rick Wakeman e Keith Emerson. 

«This program exceeded all my expectations.  In my mind, these two giants - and my greatest idols - treated each other in a distant and respectful way.  It is a great joy for me to discover that they were so kind to each other and that their sense of humor induced great and comical reactions in the other.  Dear Chris Noto, I will never be able to thank you enough for this valuable upload, a true treasure of humanity flowing from these two unsurpassed musical titans.  My gratitude will be eternal to you.  Warm greetings from me and my family here in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.»

«Rick Wakeman & Keith Emerson Talk 10-30-2010»


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