À procura dos professores de órgão da "Concorde"
Faço parte de um grupo de ex-alunos de órgão eletrônico na hoje extinta loja "Concorde" de instrumentos musicais, que ficava na sobreloja do Copacabana Center Shopping, situado à Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, nº 978, em Copacabana, Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro. Lá vendiam órgãos, sintetizadores e pianos. Estudamos na Concorde no início da década de 1980. Eu lá estive em 1981 e 1982.
Estamos tentando retomar contato com os quatro professores da loja:
1. CÉLIO: Verdadeiro gênio musical. Dotado de ouvido absoluto, ele morava na Zona Oeste, em Jacarepaguá, e vinha para Copacabana de moto. Mas, na época, seu velocímetro estava quebrado e havia então um limite severo de velocidade: 80 km/h. Sem poder regular a velocidade pelo ponteirinho no painel, ele pediu a um amigo para emparelhar com ele em outra moto a esta velocidade. E registrou que o barulho de seu motor vibrava em lá bemol. E assim, nunca mais precisou de velocímetro. Quando o ronco do motor de sua máquina chegava ao lá bemol ele sabia que não poderia acelerar mais. Célio morava na Rua Francisco Milani, acho que no Condomínio Campestre, na Freguesia. Fiquei sabendo que ele tinha feito concurso para os Bombeiros e tinha sido contratado como músico pela corporação. Pelo que apurei com o amigo Robadey, ex-Comandante do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Célio, de fato, trabalhou na casa, mas já deixou a corporação.
2. ORLANDO: É de quem menos temos informações. Orlando era um ótimo músico e desempenhava na loja, além de professor, alguma função administrativa. Usava óculos e tinha uma medalha de clave de sol numa corrente ao pescoço. Morava em Copacabana mesmo, na Barata Ribeiro 428, entre Siqueira e Figueiredo. Na época estava noivo de um linda moça chamada Miriam Heinz, se não me falha a memória.
3. SUSANA: Ela é formada em piano e seu nome de solteira era "Susana Cavalcanti Marta", mas não estou certo quanto à grafia, podendo ser "Suzana Cavalcanti Marta" ou "Susana Cavalcante Marta" ou "Suzana Cavalcante Marta" ou "Susana Cavalcanti Martha" ou "Suzana Cavalcanti Martha" ou "Susana Cavalcante Martha" ou "Suzana Cavalcante Martha", pressupondo que este era o nome completo de solteira dela, o que não tenho certeza. Na época, Susana residia na Tijuca, à Rua Marquês de Valença, na mesma calçada e antes do restaurante La Mole. Se bem me lembro era no nº 56, mas também não tenho certeza. Não lembro o número do apartamento. Morava com pai, mãe (Dona Stella ou Stela) e um irmão. A esta altura deve ter se casado, mudado de nome e endereço, e formado família sabe-se lá em qual local do mundo.
4. WEBER: Era, aos nossos olhos, o professor com mais fundamentos clássicos. Muito calmo e cavalheiresco, Weber era um músico muito sensível. Sua composição preferida ao demonstrar os instrumentos da loja era “Ao Mestre com Carinho”. Certa vez comprei a partitura de “Viagem ao Centro da Terra”, de Rick Wakeman, e levei-a à Concorde. Entreguei-a ao Weber e ele chamou Susana para tocarem juntos um trecho a quatro mãos no órgão Yamaha da sala de aula. O resultado foi absolutamente épico. Começou a juntar gente vinda do shopping para assistir àquele momento mágico. E confesso que até me emocionei ante a beleza da interpretação dos dois. Weber, pelo que mal me lembro, morava no Catete, na Pedro Américo 215, perto da esquina com Bento Lisboa.
É duro tentar reencontrar pessoas depois de quase 40 anos sem contato, gente com quem convivíamos num tempo em que ainda não existia a internet. Cheguei a trabalhar alguns meses na Concorde como vendedor de órgãos. Mas nunca consegui fechar uma venda sequer. Bem, se você — pela descrição acima e pela época em questão — reconhecer algum dos professores músicos acima, por favor entre em contato via email para carlosalbertoteixeira@pobox.com. Obrigado.
Vou procurar por eles também na #OrdemdosMúsicos.
Conhece “a canção pop mais complexa de todos os tempos”?
Rick Beato analisa acorde por acorde essa canção de 1983 de Sérgio Mendes, que ele reputa como a mais complexa canção pop de todos os tempos. E conta também deliciosas histórias dele e seus amigos quebrando a cara ao ousar tocá-la ao vivo sem o devido ensaio. Veja o vídeo:
“The Most COMPLEX Pop Song of All Time”
E se quiser ver a canção original, aqui está:
“Sergio Mendes - Never Gonna Let You Go (HQ Audio)"-
Música para “Viajar”
O YouTube é uma fonte quase inesgotável e gratuita de boas músicas de fundo para Tarefa Assistencial Diária, Johrei, Reiki, ioga, meditação e relaxamento.
O site autogerou um tema chamado “Yellow Brick Cinema”, cujo link é https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvSSvGOwQEaQ2mRpMc3SeSQ. A imensa playlist principal chama-se “Faixas Principais”, no link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrd0ahmEQBhZmjU6BmcEQnrNzzMifYjtU. As três séries que achei mais suaves e interessantes são Angelic Sounds, Ocean Dream e Glowing Echo. Vá procurando por estes prefixos nos nomes das músicas.
O canal oficial do Yellow Brick Cinema no YouTube é: https://www.youtube.com/c/YellowBrickCinema e oferece centenas de playlists, todas também grátis, além de dezenas de subcanais transmitindo ao vivo ininterruptamente, dentre os quais “Calming Dreams” é o mais aplaudido: https://youtu.be/wd_K2Agf4p4.
A webpage oficial é: https://yellowbrickcinema.com/, onde eles cobram por parte do conteúdo e têm até app para celular.
Como foi a criação de “TARKUS”, nas palavras de Keith Emerson
[from “Pictures of an Exhibitionist”]
Carl and I would often test each other’s sightreading abilities writing out complicated rhythms in odd time signatures. One day, he carne into my dressing room and drummed out a pattern on his practice pad.
‘What time signature’s this then?’
‘It’s either 10/8 or 5/4,’ I said, ‘but Frank Zappa would refer to them all as one.’
By coincidence, Carl’s drum pattern happened to fit a left-hand ostinato figure I was working on and I made a note to pursue that direction as soon as the tour was over.
About a month later, the idea had some semblance of form, albeit a strange one, and I rang Greg up.
‘Can you come over? There’s something I want to play you on the piano. I’m rather excited about it. It doesn’t appear to have either a time or key signature.’
An hour later, the doorbell rang and I led Greg into my music room.
‘I’ve been working on this piece since Carl played me a rather obscure drum pattern. I’ve got this image of us creating a vast ‘sheet of sound’ that defies conventional structures. There doesn’t appear to be one set time signature or a key signature but the total effect played by the three of us could be very prolific.’
I suddenly realised that my words were not having the slightest effect, I might just as well have tried explaining the concept of ‘Origami Wall Plugging’ to a fish. I turned awkwardly, and began hammering away at the piano. When I’d finished, I turned back to see Greg still staring blankly at me.
‘Well?’ I asked.
‘I think if you want to play that kind of music, you should play it on your solo album.’
I was ... well, I wasn’t yet ready to do a solo album, but now that he mentioned it ...
‘But I want us to play it. I know it sounds complicated, but it’ll have a tremendous effect with all three of us playing it together,’ I pleaded.
‘Im really not interested in that sort of thing,’ he said turning and walking out.
I was straight on the phone to John Gaydon.
‘That’s it!’ I said, ‘the band’s finished!’ I went on to relay the events of the last hour
‘But you cant split up now, not over something so petty, surely!’
‘Yes I can. I’m sorry, I just cannot go on working with such a negative attitude. The first album was hard enough”
‘Look, let’s all get together for a meeting tomorrow and discuss this sensibly,’ and with that John hung up.
I phoned Carl next.
‘Do you remember that I 10/8, 5/4 drum pattern you played some time ago?’
‘Ah? Oh yeah’
‘Well, I’ve written a piece of music over it.’
‘Well, not so great. I just played it to Greg who (lady refuses to have anything to do with it.
‘How can he do that without even trying It? I mean ... 1 haven’t heard it yet ... don’t my opinions count?’
‘Exactly. I’m sorry, Carl, I don’t think I can continue with the band. John wants us to have a meeting tomorrow but I don’t hold much hope.’
The following evening, I arrived at John’s residence and walked into an atmosphere that had the consistency of cold porridge on soggy toast.
David Enthoven, Carl and Greg had obviously been talking at great length prior to my arrival and, by the looks on their faces, hadn’t got very far.
‘What is It about this piece you’ve written that’s so important?’ John asked me compassionately.
‘It’s everything I’ve always wanted to play and with this band’s capabilities we’ll blow every other band clean off the stand playing it. But perhaps Greg is right, perhaps it’s the right time to start my solo album.’
‘It’s just not commercial,’ countered Greg.
I detected a certain pleading in his voice. I offered. ‘Was the unison line in 20th Century Schizoid Man” commercial? No! But it was King Crimson’s biggest hit.’
‘But that had a song’
‘What’s to say that this piece shouldn’t go into a song?’
‘By the time you’ve got through playing all that esoteric rubbish you won’t have a fuckin’ audience,’ Greg implored.
David intervened. ‘Greg, what’s the harm in at least trying it?’
‘Yeah,’ said Carl. ‘I haven’t even heard the piece yet. It might be complete crap but I think we should give maestro here the benefit of the doubt.’
‘Believe me,’ said Greg, ‘This is not the right direction for the next album!
‘What is, Greg? Have you written anything for it yet?’ said John.
‘No, but . . . ‘
‘So what’s to lose? At least give it a try In Advision Studios tomorrow,’
‘I’ll tell you what’s to lose,’ said Greg, ‘wasting studio time, recording crap. That’s what’s to fuckin’ lose!’
‘You’ll be paying for it anyway because it’s too late to cancel the booking.’ said David.
That settled it! The next afternoon. Eddie Offord hung back in the control room. He’d sensed there was enough static in the air to drive all his 16 tracks. Greg selected the appropriate 48 soft graphite pencil from his collection of many and opened his newly acquired manuscript book.
‘What are the notes?’ he asked rather sulkily.
This wasn’t quite the attitude one wanted when embarking upon a voyage in the dark, gripping to the sides of a ship that was so obviously sinking. Some holes had to be filled.
‘F...B flat...E flat...B flat...A flat...E flat...’
‘Wait! Let me learn that bit first.' Greg practised it up to speed, jotting the notes down as he went.
I ignored the fact that, as he wrote his part do in big capital letters above the staves of the manuscript paper, he could just as easily have written it out on blank legal foolscap. But at least it gave the appearance and importance that this was proper music he was writing. The next bits were learned in much the same fashion. Two days later a complete transformation had taken place and we were ready to start recording.
Gone was the dark cloud of doubt as Greg threw himself wholeheartedly into a piece that did not have a name.
‘Put some Moog on there and, Carl, a gong here?’
I was relieved. I didn’t care who wore the producer’s cap, my madcap composition was going further than I could have hoped for. The first song, that I hoped Greg would sing, came quickly. But I feared the changes might upset the further developments. It was the B fiat, E flat. G triad holding over a C root that changed suddenly to a C sharp that gave me the most concern in its acceptability. I needn’t have worried. My vocal squawkings of the song over the same chords were enough to encourage. We were on a roll and, as a result, the entire Tarkus album was recorded in only two weeks! By way of celebration, we jammed an impromptu rock number ‘Are You Ready. Eddie?’, named after our engineer Eddie Offord and his 16 tracks.
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Fonte: Grupo “EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER - TITANS OF PROG” no Facebook
Post de Robin Binford 2021-06-14 - 6:17pm
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E, para quem não conhece, aqui está... Tarkus: https://youtu.be/WKNOlDtZluU
Fotos antigas das Barcas Rio-Niterói
Aqui vai uma coleção de velhas fotografias. Divirta-se.
Lamento: não tenho autores nem datas. Mas dá para curtir.
Patrick Moraz & Bill Bruford in Tokyo
Gravado em 1985-07-04 no Laforet Museum, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan.
CD completo com as 10 faixas nesta playlist no YouTube:
O CD é de 2009. E aqui estão as três versões existentes:
- Blue Brains - 5:51
- Hazy - 9:51
- Eastern Sundays - 7:32
- Cachaça - 8:11
- Galatea - 6:37
- The Drum Also Waltzes - 3:47
- Flags - 4:24
- Children's Concerto - 5:00
- Jungles Of The World - 6:27
- Temples Of Joy - 4:52
Um olhar para Agartha
“Regard vers Agartha” [2014] (Um olhar para Agartha), uma peça para órgão a quatro mãos, interpretada por Béatrice Piertot e Yannick Merlin no órgão de Saint-Pierre de Chaillot em Paris.
O compositor é Jean-Baptiste Robin, francês, 44 anos, organista titular da Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Poitiers.
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E, para quem também gosta de órgão a quatro mãos, aqui vão algumas outras sugestões:
Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite 1 for Organ four hands - Jonathan Kooman & Kees Alblas Organ: https://youtu.be/0bf6eXxsCG4
Saint-Sulpice organ, D ROTH and Y LIORZ0U play Hesse 4-hand Fantaisie (6 Feb 2011): https://youtu.be/ANqLuNGW60E
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Symphony N°41 "Jupiter", I.Allegro vivace. Organ four hands: https://youtu.be/Ix3x-3f3Od8
Organ Sonata in D minor for four hands and double pedals Op.30: Allegro con fuoco: https://youtu.be/o9ORZr0WXvU
Editando vídeos verticais no iMovie, no iPhone
Como editar vídeos verticais no iPhone usando iMovie e depois cropar as barras negras laterais. Em duas partes. Moleza total!
1. How to edit vertical video in iMovie on your iPhone! (2021): https://youtu.be/39isSpiQipU
2. (UPDATE!) How to Edit Vertical Video in iMovie on iPhone without Black Bars (2021): https://youtu.be/o2UrSxZAdYs